Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Original Pares

Pares has always been one of my favorite Filipino foods. But, there's only one Pares Mami House that I frequently visit which is the one located at Retiro, La Loma. Open for 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

This Pares Mami House is constantly open for business. It's a good thing so that at any time their customers are struck with a craving for their delicious beef pares, they are always open to serve them.

The price range of this eatery is very affordable from 100-150 pesos you'll surely be satisfied and full. Their famous pares combo only goes for 75 pesos with extra rice costing at 18 pesos and soft drinks at 15 pesos. 

Because their so popular, the place is always jam-packed with loyal customers, and there is no really organized queuing of waiting customers so  you have to pick and choose which customer is done eating and replace their seats when they get up to leave. This could be a nightmare during peak hours of business like lunch time and dinner time. 

Their staff is generally friendly and polite but sometimes because of the frenzy of people coming in to eat, they could sometimes end up ignoring you and are hard to call for assistance.

Although named pares, it is only a nickname for the combination of the dish. The Viand is actually beef asado, teamed up with garlic fried rice and soup to form the pares combination.

This meal is really one of my most favorite of all time and every time i see the red and white paint of the eatery from afar, my stomach gets excited because it knows it's going to be filled with delicious pares soon. :)) 

While they do provide affordable and delicious food, they could sure use some improvement on their customer service. To do this, they should reevaluate the daily food consumption of customers so that no time is wasted on cooking and they can serve ordered foods right away. They should also train their staff more intensively so that they can cater to each and every one of their customers additional needs while dining instead of just serving the newcomers first. Service to everyone would be their primary focus

So there you have it, one of my favorite places to dine. Over the years because of their success they have sprouted several branches along manila but there's something unique about the original branch because for me, they produce the best pares you couldn't quite find anywhere else. 

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